Having your very own vehicle is one of the greatest freedoms you can get. It allows you to cross town in minutes and not worry about bus or train schedules or hailing Uber rides. Regardless of whether you’re on a business trip or running errands, owning a car lets you work without stress.
A modern automobile is a complex technical system employing thousands of component parts with specific design functions. Some of these subsystems have come about as a result of breakthroughs in existing technology, while others represent entirely new developments such as electronic computers and high-strength plastics.
The branch of engineering that deals with the manufacturing and technology of automobile vehicles is known as Automobile Engineering. Today, Automobiles play a major role in our lives, and we cannot imagine the luxuries of our modern world without them. They are used for both passenger transportation and goods transport.
The automobile’s roots go back centuries. Leonardo da Vinci was working on designs and models for transport vehicles well before the industrial revolution, and by the late 19th century a variety of technological advances had made it possible to produce and distribute cars at reasonable cost. Initially they ran on steam, electricity, or gasoline. Exactly who invented the first true automobile is a matter of opinion, but Karl Benz of Germany is usually given credit for building the first two-stroke gasoline engine in 1885 or 1886 and for putting it in a vehicle that was designed as an automobile, rather than a converted carriage, boat, or cart.