Healthy Relationships

Relationships are a huge part of your life—and they can be pretty complex. While they’re often the source of our favorite holiday love stories and romantic comedies, maintaining a healthy relationship can take real work. Whether you’re dating someone new, married to the same person for decades, or in between, it’s important to be aware of what makes a relationship healthy, and how to spot red flags when they pop up.

Healthy relationships are mutual and respectful. They allow for change and growth, and support a partner’s personal interests even when those interests don’t always align with your own. They are also dependable and if they say they will do something, they follow through. Likewise, they aren’t afraid of (respectful) disagreement—and actually value healthy conflict and honest communication.

In a healthy relationship, your partner should make you feel good about yourself—both physically and emotionally. This doesn’t necessarily mean they need to kiss you every other minute or be all over you, but it does require that they’re attractive to you and make those little butterflies flutter in your stomach when you think of them.

Finally, healthy relationships build trust. This doesn’t just mean that you believe they won’t cheat on you—it also means they prioritize your needs, respect your boundaries, and support your decision-making. They encourage you to chase your dreams and take risks, and they help you to be a better person. And most importantly, they’re there for you during the tough times.

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