News is a story about current events or an incident that is relevant to the reader. News stories usually focus on important events that affect people or that are a significant social or cultural concern. They may also cover an event that has the potential to cause a change in the way a society is organised.
In general, a piece of news will only make headlines if it is new, unusual, interesting and significant. There is a lot of competition between news agencies so the more you can add to your story the better. Adding quotes from experts or influential people will help the reader to understand and form their own opinion of the issue.
People are interested in famous people. Their actions and lifestyle are of interest, especially if they become involved in a scandal or lose a fortune. People are also concerned with their health so stories about traditional remedies, medical research, diseases, hospitals and clinics are of interest. People are also interested in money and will read articles about fortunes made and lost, bank runs, compensation claims and wars between countries.
National newspapers cover events that are significant to the whole country but may also report on international issues and sports. These are aimed at a wider audience than local papers so they need to appeal to a wider range of interests. This can often result in a lack of objectivity but it is often necessary to reach the broadest possible audience with limited resources.